20 June 2008

IF: hoard

Illustration Friday

I tend to hoard all kinds of conveniently sized blank notebooks - and sometimes I manage to fill them with sketches or notes, but I can't think of one I have really filled up to the last page. I am addicted to them. And I really like Moleskines!

Ich tendiere dazu, alle möglichen handlichen Blanko-Notizbücher zu horden - und manchmal schaffe ich es sogar, sie mit Skizzen oder Notizen zu füllen, aber ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern, jemals eines bis zur letzten Seite gefüllt zu haben. Ich bin süchtig nach ihnen. Und ich mag Moleskines unheimlich gern!


  1. very nice painting, love these moleskins and books illustration!

  2. das kenne ich auch nur allzu gut, was du meinst... nur kann ich mich nicht so wunderschön in bildern ausdrücken :)

  3. I like the quiet simplicity of this. I'd love to look inside!

  4. I guess if you meant to you'd tell us who "they" are who "wouldn't" let you study art and it's OK that we don't know. But it broke my heart to read it and the more so because sadly it is not uncommon. I took a 20 year detour because I believed what "they" said and to some degree I did it well if I believe what many "theys" have said. Still, it came to an end, in my heart it had ended long before I declared myself. Now, in my late 40s I am beginning again. I wish all those who are beginning again the very best of resides in them waiting to flourish. ::thrive! O
